Gaudeamus igitur

Text Gaudeamu by mal ovládať každý študent aj o polnoci .

Pôvodný text v latinčine má 10 slôh. Zvyknú sa používať len slohy č. 1 a 4. Vedľa latinského textu je anglický preklad

1. |: Gaudeamus igitur,
   Juvenes dum sumus; :|
Post jucundam juventutem,
Post molestam senectutem
|: Nos habebit humus! :|

1. |: While we're young, let us rejoice,
   Singing out in gleeful tones; :|
After youth's delightful frolic,
And old age (so melancholic!),
|: Earth will cover our bones. :|

1 |: Len sa teda radujme
kým sme ešte mladí! :|
Po tej príjemnej mladosti,
po tej mrzutej starosti,
|: zem nás príjme navždy :|
2. |: Vita nostra brevis est,
   Brevi finietur, :|
Venit mors velociter,
Rapit nos atrociter,
|: Nemini parcetur. :|
2. |: Life is short and all too soon
   We emit our final gasp; :|
Death ere long is on our back;
Terrible is his attack;
|: None escapes his dread grasp. :|
3. |: Ubi sunt qui ante
   Nos in mundo fuere? :|
Vadite ad superos,
Transite ad inferos,
|: Hos si vis videre. :|

3. |: Where are those who trod this globe
   In the years before us? :|
They in hellish fires below,
Or in Heaven's kindly glow,
|: Swell th' eternal chorus. :|

4. |: Vivat academia,
   Vivant professores, :|
Vivat membrum quodlibet,
Vivant membra quaelibet,
|: Semper sint in flore! :|
4. |: Long live our academy,
   Teachers whom we cherish; :|
Long live all the graduates,
And the undergraduates;
|: Ever may they flourish. :|
4 |: Akadémia nech žije,
profesori žijú! :|
Nech len žije člen každý,
všetci členovia navždy!
|: Nech vždy prekvitajú! :|
5. |: Vivant omnes virgines
   Faciles, formosae, :|
Vivant et mulieres,
Tenerae, amabiles,
|: Bonae, laboriosae! :|
5. |: Long live all the maidens fair,
   Easy-going, pretty; :|
Long live all good ladies who
Are tender and so friendly to
|: Students in this city. :|
6. |: Vivat et respublica
   Et qui illam regit, :|
Vivat nostra civitas,
Maecenatum caritas,
|: Quae nos hic protegit! :|
6. |: Long live our Republic and
   The gentlefolk who lead us; :|
May the ones who hold the purse
Be always ready to disburse
|: Funds required to feed us. :|
7. |: Pereat tristitia,
   Pereant osores, :|
Pereat diabolus,
Quivis antiburschius,
|: Atque irrisores! :|
7. |: Down with sadness, down with gloom,
   Down with all who hate us; :|
Down with those who criticize,
Look with envy in their eyes,
|: Scoff, mock and berate us. :|
8. |: Quis confluxus hodie
   Academicorum? :|
E longinquo convenerunt,
Protinusque successerunt
|: In commune forum; :|
8. |: Why has such a multitude
   Come here during winter break? :|
Despite distance, despite weather,
They have gathered here together
|: For Philology's sake. :|
9. |: Vivat nostra societas,
   Vivant studiosi :|
Crescat una veritas,
Floreat fraternitas,
|: Patriae prosperitas. :|
9. |: Long live our society,
   Scholars wise and learn-ed; :|
May truth and sincerity
Nourish our fraternity
|: And our land's prosperity. :|
10. |: Alma Mater floreat,
   Quae nos educavit; :|
Caros et commilitones,
Dissitas in regiones
|: Sparsos, congregavit; :|
10. |: May our Alma Mater thrive,
   A font of education; :|
Friends and colleagues, where'er they are,
Whether near or from afar,
|: Heed her invitation. :|